Perception is defined as the process by individuals select, organize and interpret stimuli into a meaningful picture and make sense of the world. The perception has implications for marketers, because consumers make decisions based on what they feel, rather than on the basis of objective reality.
Sensation is the immediate and direct response from the sensory organ of simple stimuli (advertising, packaging, brand). Each unit of input stimulus is received by the five senses. Consumer Sensitivity refers to the experience of sensation. Sensitivity to stimuli vary according to differences in sensory quality of the individual recipient and the amount or intensity of the stimuli they experienced.
ABSOLUTE threshold
The lowest level where one can experience the sensation is called the absolute threshold. The point at which one can know the difference between "something" and "no nothing" is an absolute threshold of the stimulus person. In the field of perception, the term adjustment specifically refers to "become accustomed" to the sensation and a certain level of stimulation.
Differential threshold (JUST NOTICEABLE DIFFERENCE)
The smallest difference (at least) that can be felt between the two kinds of stimuli similar called the differential threshold or just noticeable difference (the difference can still be seen) abbreviated JND Ernest Weber a 19th century German scientist found that JND between two stimuli is not an absolute amount but the relative amount of the first stimulus intensity. Weber's Law states that the larger the first stimulus, the greater the additional intensity needed so that the second stimulus can be felt the difference.
For example, increase $ 100 in the price of a car may not be considered, but the increase of $ 1 in premium prices (gasoline) will soon become the attention of consumers, because a significant percentage of gasoline prices before the price increase.
J.n.d Applications to Marketing
The producers and marketers are trying to determine JND relevant to their products because of two very different reasons, namely:
So many negative changes (eg, reduction in size or product quality, or increase the price of the product) can not be easily viewed by the public (still below the JND),
In order for product improvements (such as the updated packaging, the size of an enlarged, or a lower price) is very clear to the consumer without the waste that is not useful (located at the level or slightly above the JND).
Most stimuli are perceived by consumers on their awareness level, but weak stimuli can be perceived below the level of consciousness, which can sense stimuli without consciously have to do it. Stimuli are too weak to be seen or heard consciously may be strong enough to be recognized by one or more recipient cell, this process is called subliminal perception. Perception of stimuli that are above the level of awareness is technically called a perception Supraliminal although usually for simplicity is called perception.
About Subliminal Perception Research
Research refute the notion that subliminal stimuli influence consumer buying decisions. A series of laboratory experiments are very imaginative and was held following the public hearing supported the idea that individuals can feel something beneath their level of consciousness, but did not find evidence that they can be persuaded to act in response to subliminal stimulation.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Subliminal Persuasion
A review of the literature states that subliminal perception research based on two theoretical approaches, namely:
Repetition is very weak stimuli that constantly has the additional effect of allowing stimuli that build capacity in response to various representations.
Subliminal sexual stimuli lead to an unconscious sexual motivation
However, no study had shown that one theoretical approach has been used effectively by the advertisers to increase sales. In summary, although there is evidence that subliminal stimuli can influence affective reactions, but there is no evidence that subliminal stimulation can influence the motives or acts of consumption.
Individuals are very selective about the stimuli which they "admitted", are unconsciously organize the stimuli that they actually admit according to psychological principles that are widely held and subjectively interpret these stimuli according to the needs, expectations, and experiences. Three aspects of perception is the selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli.
The consumers are not aware of much use of the ability to choose which aspects of the environment (stimuli where) they feel. Which stimuli are selected depends on two main factors besides the nature of the stimulus itself, namely:
Consumer experiences before, because it affects their expectations (what they are prepared or "set" to be seen),
Their motive at that time (needs, desires, interests, and so on).
Each of these factors can help to increase or decrease the likelihood that a stimulus will be felt.
Various Important Concepts Regarding Selective Perception
Selection of consumers of environmental stimuli based on the interaction of expectations and their motives with the stimulus itself. The principle of selective perception which includes the following concepts: the opening of self-selective, selective attention, the defense against the perception, and perception barriers.
The consumers organize all their perceptions into a single whole. Specific principles that underlie the perception of grouping is often called Gestalt psychology. Three of the most basic principle is the figure and base, grouping, and settlement.
Interpretation of stimuli is very subjective and based on what consumers expected to be seen from previous experience, the number of plausible explanations that can be imagined, motives and interests at the time of emergence of perception, and clarity of the stimulus itself. The influence that tends to distort the interpretation of objective include:
Physical appearance,
Various clues (cues) that are not relevant,
The first impression, and
The tendency to take decisions too quickly.
As individuals feel self-image, they also feel the product image and brand image. Products and brands have symbolic value for the individual, who judged on the basis of consistency (compatibility) with a personal picture of yourself.
The image that belongs to certain products in consumers' minds that is setting its position, which may be more important to a successful end rather than the actual product characteristics. Products and services that felt good to have a much better opportunity to buy than the products and services that have unpleasant or neutral images. Regardless of how well a particular product positioning, marketers may be forced to rearrange the position of the product to respond to market events (such as competition reduces the market share brand), or meet the changing sukaan kelebih-consumer, and so forth.
Compared with manufacturing companies, service marketers face some unique problems in managing the position and promote the bid. Because services can not be seen, the image becomes a key factor in distinguishing factor services from its competitors. Thus, the marketing goal is to enable consumers to link a particular image with a special brand.
How customers view a specific price (high, low, fair) have a strong influence on purchase intention and purchase satisfaction. Consumers rely on internal and external reference prices when assessing the reasonableness of price. Reference price is any price that consumers use as the basis for comparison in judging another price. Internal reference prices are the prices (price range) is obtained again by the consumer of memory.
Perceived quality or perceived
Consumers often judge the quality of a product or service based on a variety of information cues, some of which are intrinsic to the product (eg, color, size, taste, aroma), while others are extrinsic (eg, price, store image, brand image, the environmental services .) In the absence of direct experience or other information, parakonsumen often rely on price as an indicator of quality.
SERVQUAL Scale, designed to measure the price gap between customer expectations of service and consumer perceptions regarding services provided, which is based on the following five dimensions:
Real, the appearance of physical facilities, equipment, personnel, and communication tools.
Reliability, ability to carry out the promised service, reliable and accurate.
Comprehension, willingness to help customers and provide fast service.
Assurance, knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to generate trust and confidence.
Empathy, caring and individual attention given to the customer company.
Retail stores (retail stores) have the image of the store itself, which helped influence the perceived product quality, and consumer decisions about where to shop. A study of the image of retail stores based on comparative pricing strategies found that consumers tend to think of stores that offer a small discount on some goods as a whole store that offers prices lower than competitors' shops that give discounts greater in less product
Consumer image extends beyond the price and the perceived image of the store against the manufacturer of its own. Manufacturers who enjoys a good image usually feel that their new products more easily accepted than the manufacturer's products that have unfavorable image or a neutral image.
The perceived risk
Consumers often feel the risk in making product choices because of uncertainty about the consequences of their product decisions. The main risk types most often perceived by consumers when making decisions about the product include:
Functional risk is the risk that the product does not have the performance as expected.
Physical risk is the risk to themselves and others that can cause product.
Financial risk is the risk that the product will not be balanced with the price.
Social risk is the risk that a poor choice of products can cause embarrassment in social environments.
Psychological risk is the risk that a poor product choice can hurt the consumer's ego.
Risk Time is the risk that the time used to find the product will be in vain if the product does not work as expected.
Consumers are developing their own strategies to reduce the expected risk include:
Consumers looking for information,
Consumers loyal to the brand,
Consumers choose based on brand image,
Consumers rely on the image of store (retail merchant who has a good name),
Consumers buy the most expensive model,
Consumers give a guarantee.
Schiffman, L.G., & Kanuk, L.L. 2007. Consumer Behavior, 9th ed. New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall.
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