Minggu, 15 Mei 2011



Attitude is a learned tendency to behave in ways that remain favorable or unfavorable to a particular object (eg a category of products, services, advertisements, Web sites, or retail stores). Each element in this definition is very important to understand why and how the associated attitudes in consumer behavior and marketing.

"Object" Attitude
The word "object" of consumer-oriented attitude should be interpreted broadly covers concepts related to consumption and specific marketing, such as product, class of products, services, ownership, use of products, advertisements, website, price, medium, or retail merchants.

Attitude is the tendency of the Learned
Attitudes have motivating qualities, that can push consumers toward a particular behavior or attract customers from a particular behavior.

Having Attitude Consistency
Another characteristic of the attitude is that the relative attitude is consistent with the behavior they embody. However, despite having the consistency, attitude does not always have a permanent means to change attitudes.

Attitude Happen In Certain Situations
The situation is any event or circumstance which, at this stage and time, affect the relationship between attitudes and behavior. Certain situations may cause consumers to behave in ways that seem inconsistent with their attitude.

Which is very important in understanding the role of attitudes in consumer behavior is an understanding of the structure and composition of attitude. There are four major categories of behavior models, namely:

A. The attitude of the Three Component Model
This attitude consists of three main components, namely:

Cognitive component, is the knowledge and perception which is acquired through a combination of direct experience with attitude objects and related information from various sources. This knowledge and perception thereof usually takes the form of belief, namely that the attitude object has various properties and certain behaviors will lead to particular outcomes.
Affective component, an emotion or feeling consumers about products or specific brands. Emotions and feelings are often regarded by consumer researchers is evaluative in nature, which includes the assessment of a person to the object of direct and comprehensive manner.
Conative component, dealing with the possibility or likelihood that an individual will perform a special act or behave a certain way towards a particular attitude object. According to some interpretations of conative components may include actual behavior itself, in marketing and consumer research component is often regarded as a statement of consumer intention to purchase.

B. Multi Attitude Model Properties
Briefly there are three models in the model of multi-nature attitude attitude, namely:

Attitude toward the object model, attitude is a function evaluation of product-specific beliefs and evaluations.
Shift in attitude toward the behavior, attitude to behave or act in respect of an object, rather than attitudes toward the object itself.
The theory of reasoned action model, a model of comprehensive and integrative manner.

C. Consuming Business Theory
An attitude theory designed to explain the various cases in which the action or outcome is uncertain, but instead reflects the efforts of consumers to consume is (or buy).

D. Attitudes towards the Ad Model
A model which states that a consumer forms various feelings (affects) and judgments (cognitions) as a result of exposure to an advertisement, in which otherwise affect consumer attitude toward the ad and attitude toward the brand.

Attitude formation is divided into three areas, namely

What is the attitude to learn, various learning theories provide a unique view of how attitudes are formed.
The sources that influence attitude formation, attitude formation facilitated by direct personal experience and influenced by a variety of ideas and experiences of friends and influence family members and exposure to mass media.
Personality factors, individual personality plays an important role in the formation of character.

The change was influenced by a variety of personal experiences and information obtained from various sources of individual and general. Own personality affects consumer acceptance and speed of change in attitude.

Attitude Change Strategies

Changing the basic motivational function
Associate the product with an admired group or event
Addressing two conflicting attitudes
Changing the components of the model multiatribut
Changing beliefs about competing brands

Four Basic Functions Attitude

Benefit function (utilitarian)
The function of ego defense (defensive ego)
Function statement value (value-expressive)
The function of knowledge

Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM)
A theory which states that the level of one's involvement during message processing is a critical factor in determining the route of persuasion that can be effective.


Cognitive Dissonance Theory
Stating that the inconvenience (discomfort) or dissonance occurs when a consumer faces conflicting thoughts about a belief or an attitude object.

Postpurchase Dissonance
Cognitive dissonance that occurs after a consumer makes a purchase commitment. Consumers cope with this dissonance through a variety of strategies designed to confirm the wisdom (wisdom) of their choice.

Attribution Theory
One theory about how people put the victim of events and establish or change their attitudes as an outcome of the assessment of their own behavior or anyone else.

Specific Nature of Ownership Theory (Attribution Theory)
This theory describes the formation and changing attitudes as a result of growth of people's thinking about the behavior (self-perception) and their own experiences.

Self-perception theory, a theory which states that consumers develop attitudes by reflecting on their own behavior.
Ownership of Other People Against Nature
Against Nature of Ownership of Goods
How We Test Our Properties Ownership

Defensive attribution
A theory which states that consumers are likely to receive praise for a satisfactory outcome (internal attribution) and will blame other people or products to a failure (external attribution).

Criteria for Causal Attribution

Konsistesi from time to time
Consistency Over Modality

Schiffman, L.G., & Kanuk, L.L. 2007. Consumer Behavior, 9th ed. New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall.

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